Name: Amanda
Last Name: Ray
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5'7
Weight: N/A
Occupation: Hooters Girl
Friends: Co-Workers,
Nationality: American
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: Shoulder length
Hair style: twin Pony tails (Casual) Let out (Work)
Likes: Getting her Drink on, Watching Wrestling, Watching anything involving fighting in general.
Sexuality: Bi
Lives in: A 2 bedroom apartment.
Personality: Super Enthusiastic when watching fights.
Places Lived: New York, USA
Tokyo, JPN
Melbourne, AUS
California, USA
Orlando Florida, USA
Manchester, UK
Sydney, AUS
Toronto, Canada
Paris, France
Dublin, Ireland
London, UK
Rome, Italy
Place Currently Living: TBD.
Born into a regular life, Amanda had nothing special about her, her dad moving her all across the world, she never made many friends due to the fear of losing them at some point, being born in New York, she spent 5 years growing up, making her way into Preschool, she made her first friend only to be pulled out and Moved to california, why did she have to move, well it was simple, her dad was a fight promoter for small wrestling, boxing, cage fighting companies, without him to make matches and promote fights, they might get a hand full of people to watch. So why did she come along, well she only had a dad for a parent since the age she was 4 cause of the divorce her mother asked for, finding her husband was more intrested in traveling instead of settling down and having fun while she had to raise a kid on her own, the divorce was set and done and Amanda had to go with her father across the world, some places no one spoke the language she was supposed to learn however, she went to the places so often she had soaked up the languages instead of going to school on a regular bases, sometimes she went if her dad stayed in one place for a long period of time but that was rare.
By the time she was 10 she had visited and learned a few languages due to schools, self teaching and listening to people talk to her on the streets but that was not the only thing she had gotten into, she had also learned that 2 people beating into each other was fucking awesome, the roars of the crowd, the personalities of the fighters, the near falls of matches, the amazing moves that no one else could do, the brutality of the hardcore matches, she loved it all however that love made her want to try and get into the business.
By the time she was 12 she was doing training for the ring, trying flips, lifting people heavier then them and power slamming them, learning submissions, the sweat and blood she poured into it was great and when she was 14, she was ready in her mind.
She made her debut against a well known local in Canada however she fell short but the response from the crowd was what 2 years was all for, her name being chanted over and over and This Is Wrestling or This is Awesome chants made her know it was a goal she would love to take to the next level at some point.
Getting some matches under her belt over the next 3 years, she made her way to Japan and competed for the Womens title, managing to take it as her first Major championship, defending it for 6 months however, she came against a new comer who was quickly making a name for herself, a Girl named Mayonaka Darkstar, In a heated battle, it could have gone to anyone and one mistake made Amanda the former Womens Champion.
Leaving Japan, she tried her luck In China however, she ran into a massive roadblock, the woman who had dethroned Mayonaka in a Title for Title match and was quickly defeated. Deciding to hold off for Fighting from the age of 17, she decided to head back to America to finish off her last 2 years of school just for the fun of it, Acing Language Classes, Sports and winning the Schools Wrestling and Boxing championships in the Males division. She Graduated at the age of 18, however she had no where to go so she decided to get a job, one that would pay for fighting tickets, living alone now since her dad was pulled into the biggest Wrestling Company to promote the younger generation into stars.
As for where Amanda is currently living? That's a Mystery for her fans however she gained new fans at her job, working as a Hooters girl, ready to drive her knee into the noses of anyone who touches her the wrong way or her co workers.

At her new Job

Amanda's Debut Match

Her Title Reign comes to a End.

Taking the High School Ring by force