Age: unknown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: "gulp" any one else
Bust size: 20 C cup
Hair color: Auburn golden blond
Eye color: Sapphire blue
Hair length: Long
Sexual orientation: Bi, though it depends on her mood.
Note: Can be a herm on request.
Bio: Alur has been around for a very long time as she is herald as one of the first original genies ever to appear after the creation of magic, though she was a little young at the time she never once shirked her duties as a genie and as the years passed she started to grow bored and lonesome while waiting for new masters to appear and ask for there three wishes.
Then things changed about six millennium or so ago when a woman rubbed her lamp, but instead of wishing for all the wealth of the world or some selfish thing like that, she wished for Alur to be happy for as long as she lived.
This created a very strange loop hole for Alur as when the girl finished her last wish, and the genie went back into her bottle she would find the the woman who wished for her happiness trapped with in her bottle with her giving Alur to be pampered by the woman while she waited for the next master, and over time Alur found that she could keep pulling more woman into her bottle after they were done with there wishes and could call upon them no matter how far away they were from her.
Though there was a benefit to the girls that have been chosen by Alur to pamper her, as each was granted eternal life and a mark on there body's to show that they belonged to Alur for all of time and allowed Alur to summon them back into her bottle when ever she wished for it.
Alur has a few likes, but very few dislikes for instance she loves to have her feet pampered by any girl and she will return the pampering she also has a fetish for having a woman's pampered feet in her pussy as well as having them all the way inside her womb, she will never eat a woman cause they make her happy, though if one were to ask for her to eat them she would not want to turn them down, cause what makes her happy can make her girls happy too.
Alur's dislikes are as follows, Scat, water sports and hard vore are out of the question ask her to do these and she turn you down in a heart beat, even faster if a woman would ask.
The wishes are standard and can range from any thing except the three taboo class.
1. Cant wish to make two people fall in love.
2. Cant wish people back from the dead.
3. Cant wish for more wishes.
Alur's bottle

Summoning mark