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Shadow. Smoke. Mist, hanging in the air in a dark forest.
"They'll follow you, drifting silent on the air. Curling through tree limbs, around trunks, never touching the ground."
Proud spirits of the land. Creatures bound to the world around them, drawing power, protecting and nurturing their realms. The spirit
serpents of Seramarea were powerful and long-lived, seen by some as gods, and looked to as deities by some, prayed to and offered tribute.
This, of course, didn't sit well with Revari. Like the true dragons before them, the spirit serpents were targeted for hunting and
eradication. But, it wasn't so simple. They were more than simply creatures of flesh and blood, infused with magic. They were inextricably
linked to their homes.
So, instead of eradicating them, the spirit serpents were subjugated and bound, their physical forms destroyed and their energies tied to
artifacts of power, so that the sorceress could control and restrain them.
Allegiance, however, refused. She fled, abandoning her realm, a misty steppe with rolling green hills, and became a wanderer, a vagrant.
Legends spread of the ghost serpent, gliding silently through forests, on lonely mountains.
On the Nature of Spirit Serpents:
Allegiance, like all of her bretheren, is akin to a nature spirit, bound to places of power, caring for them and those who live on them.
However, in giving up her home, she has given up a portion of her power, and that which ties her to the world. Akin to a ghost,
the spirit serpent has more in common with spirits and ghosts of substantial power than she does dragons or mortals.
As a creature of spirit, her form is malleable, able to be manipulated by her own thoughts and will. She is cool to the touch,
typically, and the mist and fog that tends to follow her gives hint to her essential nature being tied to water or mist.
In some rare cases, instead of her long, sinuous draconic form, she has been seen taking the shape of an ashen-skinned elf with violet
Vital Statistics
Height: 6 feet, at the shoulder (Dragon), 5'4 (Elf)
Length: 65 feet (Dragon)
Elemental Type: Spirit/Water/Mist