

The house always wins...except when it doesn't. Whenever it doesn't, all but the least observant should become very, very suspicious of whatever might be afoot. Be it collusion between players and dealers, upper level staff and players, or staff coming in as "players", there are many chances within any gambling operation for less savory practices to emerge. Yet...everyone knows that. It's gambling, people have done it since before the snow and it has NEVER been wholly winnable for most.

That, there, is where Bette Rosenblum changed things. Curious about gambling one day, she went to a casino...and started winning. Over and over and over again, she kept winning more and more and more. Every single card she put her hand on was blessed; every roulette spin; every single roll for craps. It was as if she was supernaturally blessed with luck, and as such, casino staff took notice of her providential gains. In her joy of winning, she was approached by staff that wore their mob connections on their face.

They didn't send her to the knackers or anything, though; they became partners. Bette, being so very lucky, was entertainment for the casino, so if they kept her on a payroll...not only could they keep her from playing the actual games, they could make back the millions that she had already cost them in earnings. It was a perfect plan, one that would surely make them a ton of money! In this evaluation, though, they neglected to account for one crucial variable, one that could make the entire plan live or die by herself; Ms. Rosenblum herself.

Bette caught on to her streak fairly quickly, so in order to test it, she came up with a few strategies.

1. Play rigged as hell games that she should by no means be able to win; if she still wins out, there's an act going on here.

2. Behave riskier and riskier. If she was supernaturally lucky, then even risky as hell behaviors would still pan out, right?

3. Outwardly challenge the most distinct form of randomness; machines. If she could guess a random number before that number came out of a generator, she must have something!

4. Start just...saying the lottery numbers. If she somehow hits THAT target, then she's made it.

5. Attempt to play gacha games completely free. Lady Luck would had to have kissed her on the mouth for that to pan out.

Every single strategy did, in fact, pan out...mostly, with a few holes. Whatever chance that Bette is put up against, she somehow finds a way to win. However, her power is not completely perfect; what actually HAPPENS in her day to day is not determined wholly by her and the effects of entropy. It is, in fact, other people who also play a part in how Bette's day goes. Seeing this weakness, how for all the luck she has, she is not immune to people. Nor is she immune to games, rather; she can still lose them. If a game makes it impossible for her to win, she will still lose if she plays.

That, then, is what she seeks. To lose a rigged game. To play with risk and find out it comes to bite her in the ass. To come across the one time she's snapped up, taken for her arrears...But she hasn't been taken yet, and she sure isn't gonna go easy.~

...Step right up and try your hand at the selection~
For players that are feeling preddier and dirtier...or if you want ME to be preddier and dirtier, there is one simple game I love;
Bowels of Hell~
The rules are simple; the players are all swallowed into an ass, depends on the scene whose it is. At the beginning of the predator's first turn they will roll 1d4 to determine their starting stench tokens. (There's an optional Messy Mode, where if a pred is feeling particularly gassy/dirty, the result can instantly be 4, creating quicker losses~) Each turn, the predator can choose to wait (gaining 2 stench tokens), fart (gaining 1 stench token), or shit (reducing their stench tokens to 0). When the predator waits the players must roll 1d6 and they take damage equal to the number of stench tokens active minus their result. When the predator farts the round is played the same way, except they also roll 1d6 which is added to their total. When the predator shits the players don't get to defend, they take a full 1d10 plus all the built up stench tokens Each player begins with 20 hp. There is no way to win, it's a contest to hold out as many turns as you possibly can until you get mashed into waste~

After that, there is a switchier game; A Simple Test Of Resolve, a way to decide who's the pred, who's the prey, or who's willing, who's not, etc~
Each player starts with 40 HP. The player that suggests the game be started yields their first turn to the other player, who rolls a 1d20. Whatever the result, that is the "damage" that they take. Then, the suggestor fires back with their own roll. 1d20s back and forth til somebody gets down to 0, in which whatever losing consequence decided by the players occurs to the player at 0.

This is a developing list! Feel free to make suggestions; I'm always looking for newer vore games to try out, and if I like it, I'll put it here~ If it's got some fart/scat stuff in there like Bowels of Hell, it's getting an expedited spot on this list, ehe~

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike May luck decide which side you shall see~
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Omph~
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Oh fuck yeah. Nom nom.
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gworbl~
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Into this, but more as a hook into something else, like letting a prey see the dump that they made, or a sort of "cursed" reformation where a prey can't escape torment, or they're marked with the fact that they're digested.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Omph~
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Squelch~
Stretchy Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike Super open to this on her, both ways!
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike Duh, Sherlock~
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Plop!~ Required~
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike As non-human as I go!
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Staying In Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Noting this; read my prefs first if you're going to make an IC approach, but god do I enjoy a good filthy IC start.~ Otherwise...yeah keep IC in the roleplay, mark OOC with (( text )) if we are mid RP, with nothing if not. Simple stuff.
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike Literally the entire thing this character is built on~ Bring me a lewd or rigged or (considering my prefs on scat and filth being Hell Yes, Whenever) filthy game that really tests out the good ol' luck.
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sssh!
Gas Play Always/Love
Never/Dislike Love love LOVE this~
Permavore Always/Love
Disposal Teasing Always/Love
Exhibitionism Always/Love
Chub Always/Love
Bigger Prey Always/Love
Slob Always/Love
Prey-Shaped Scat Always/Love
Teasing Always/Love
Hyper Scat Always/Love
Scat Torture Always/Love
Humiliation Always/Love
Instant/Quick Digestion Always/Love
Casual Grossness Always/Love
Never/Dislike Letting out farts, dumps, whatever without a care in the world~
Hyper Disposal Always/Love
Slow Digestion Always/Love
Rimming Always/Love
Full Guts/Stuffing Always/Love
Never/Dislike God. Fill up, please. Maddyplayer has this as a BIIGG kink, though it is up for discussion.