
Koukuji_Family has recycled this, what, three times now? This one's probably here to stay, though.

Even at the young age of 5, Alkanas showed a real talent for machines. She started out making her own toys out of scraps she found about, and eventually she figured out how to make these toys move on their own. It was rare to see her not-tinkering with something, but because of this, she was... not very social growing up. No one really tried to make friends with her, just seeing the girl as a "gadget-loving weirdo". Despite the ridicule, Alkanas kept a positive attitude and continued doing what she loved, even if she was more or less alone...

As the years passed, her knowledge of all things mechanical and electronic would only continue to grow. Now, at 16 years old, she was building contraptions people could only dream of, including weapons! A girl can't be too careful these days. She's even built herself some robot assistants... who have a bad habit of exploding. She's also come out of her shell a little, but she doesn't actively introduce herself to anyone. She'll still be down in her basement-lab, or out in the open tinkering with a new portable contraption, but while she won't greet first still, she'll greet back with a smile.

The girl is completely unfamiliar with the concept of devouring people whole, nor can she do so herself (yet...), but don't think she's completely defenseless. You never know just what she might have up her sleeve... sometimes literally!