<br>Age: 1-50 years<br>
<br>Average Weight: 50-60 lbs<br>
<br>Average Height: 1-2 feet<br>
<br>General Personality: Curious and playful, constantly learning about the universe they live in.<br>
<br>Physical Description<br>
<br>Their hair is short and wispy, barely discernible from the soft and light fur covering most of their bodies. Two oval shaped ears twitch and swivel to take in every sound no matter how loud or quiet it is.
all Aetherians have a short yet narrow muzzle with a skull very similar to a mouses, their slanted almond shaped eyes are a solid blue with white pupils that dart around curiously. Taking in everything they can
see in and eager to see more. their light pink nose placed on the tip of their muzzle most likely for tracking purposes. Their neck is short and thick, completely proportional with the rest of their body. The
Aetherian's shoulders are somewhat gender fluid, having a smooth and feminine structure while maintaining a faint masculine muscle structure. Their arms are too thin to be considered heavily muscled yet too thick
to be considered spindly. Having the perfect balance between the two, their elbows show an innate flexibility suggesting that they can walk on four limbs or two. About halfway down their forearms their fur stops,
pale skin now visible the rest of they way down the limbs to their hands. Their wrists show the same innate flexibility as their elbows, reinforcing the possibility that they can walk on four legs. Their hands are
somewhat small, yet no doubt firm and strong. Aetherians only have three fingers and a thumb, the digits seeming stout and thick when compared to the size of their hand. Their chest is smooth and somewhat fluffy, a
tuft of fur making it hard to discern whether or not the young Aetherian has breasts or not. Their back is thin and smooth, the fur there neatly groomed and clean. Their midsection is somewhat paunchy but not very
noticeably, making it clear that they eat well and healthily. Aetherians have a surprisingly cute and plush rump, the soft white mounds easily parted to reveal their light blue anus. The small ring of flesh gently
clenching and flexing. Between their thighs is a genital slit, the small line of light blue folds making it hard to determine whether they're male, female, herm or anything in between. The thighs of the Aetherian
are firm and supple, having the perfect amount of flesh on them to be noticeable and most likely delicious. Their calves curve backwards at an upward angle, the soft and tender flesh giving the Aetherian's leg a
feral hind-leg appearance. Their feet are long and widen out as they get to the toes, the only part of their feet that touches the ground being the front half as the rest of the foot is slightly raised for quick
and agile movements. Their scaled tail measures in at a range of 1/4 of a foot to one foot in length. The scales look firm and shiny, no doubt able to withstand and deal out some blunt impact force.<br>