
Alex Wesker

a ChopSuey alt
Created to be the ultimate human, she now peacefully lives a quiet life.

Bio :

Name : Alex
Age : 28
Race : Superhuman
Height : 5ft10
Weight : 170lbs
Gender : Female
Orientation : Pansexual
Role : Switch

Developed by a mega pharmecutical Company under the name "Project W", Alex Wesker was the fruit of these experiments. With the basis of the human genome underneath their grasp, it wouldn't take long till the CEO and founder of the company decided that the human image was tainted and imperfect, seeking to create the perfect theory: one human that would transcend and achieve godhood. Using a prehistoric virus excavated under the fumes of the Somalian Coral Reefs, naming it "The Progenitor Virus" (theorized to be the apex microorganism in it's time), they would bind the RNA strands to the double helix of multiple human eggs, seeing the results. Only one would survie, thus Alex was born.

Insanely smart, calm, collected, and somber, Alex is the ideal model groomed by the corporation to lead humanity. Yet there is no such thing as a perfect organism, and thus that same mortal flaw falls on Alex. She gets bored rather quickly, has ADHD due to heightened reflexes, and due to a high IQ finds alot of the stuff around her to be boring or of little importance. While she enjoys to read and learn, she feels it's more natural to experience it rather than learn about it. She'll pout a little when it's time to sit there and crack open a book, but she does have an unnatural drive to perfect something once she learns about it. During her school years it was a common occurence for the average student to avoid Alex, as her body language indicated someone who mentally was much older. Her high IQ made every class easy to her, the girl taking the hardest classess and finding them not really fun or entertaining in any aspect. Not really devoloping any friends in her school days, she would grow up into adult hood having a hard time understanding human emotions and connecting with others, often trying to find a logical explanation to it instead of human compassion or morality. Yet besides the calm, somber, and professional facade programmed into her from birth, by the organization at a young age, she's secretly a nerd on the inside. Alex is the type of girl to secretly enjoy the smallest of things, ranging from RPG maker horror games to learning how to make a clay pot. Even now as an adult in her own office space, her coworkers will groan and grumble when Alex tries to happily confide into them her new favourite interests, no one in the subsector having the heart to tell her that it was popular years ago, or so niche that no one knows what it is. TLDR: Get to know the extremly professional looking women and you're in for a shocking turnabout as she reveals her true emotions and her own personal faults.

The pharmaceutical company was founded right after WW2 by one Maxwell Spencer, using the cover of a drug company to research the affects of viruses and microbiology. With standard drugs and medicines boostering the stocks of the company, any extra funds would be ensured to wipe out any competition and invest in private projects under MAxwell's watchful eye. The first order of business was too be the to earner and open multiple sites world wide in vulnerable countries that could be exploited, bypass legal barriers. Once secured the rest was history. Years of developing and studying the Progenitor Virus and artificially created spliced variants off it, the goal to human trials were pushed. Paying corrupt governments for prisoners or the homeless for testing was far easier than expected, and inly made Maxwell more delighted when he saw the results. Vore was already common in the world, yet one under the influence of the Progenitor Virus saw rapid cellular replication; resulting in enhanced strength and speed with the cost of life. Multiple people would lose their lives, succumbing to huge bouts of rampant hunger of total organ failure, and yet he still persisted in perfecting it. Thus the idea of not injecting the Virus but binding the RNA strands of the virus into the helicase of a human egg's phospahte bonds was theorized. Project W was born.

32 candidates were selected and artificially created, yet only one would live. The others would die in early development or suffer horrific genetic mutations from the virus injected into them. While most of the scientists woud be dismayed end broken by it, Maxwell was delighted in only 1 surviving, seeing it fit that only one person could rise to promise of being better than others. Naming her Alex, him and his organization would plant her under one of the scientists care to raise and foster her during her development years, always watching her yet not making it known to her that she was a product of a man's feeble attempt at obtaining godhood. Yet everything would come to a end when the very same scientist who raised her grew a conscious and leaked everything the company had done to an informent.

With the company's crimes against humanity and illegal deeds exposed, the US and many other G5 countries would immediatly embargo and ban any selling or trading of the comapnies stock, making it plummet and crash over the week. Special forces would storm the labs and arrest/ destroy and research and creatures created by the group, Alex and her foster parent escaping the hellfire unnoticed. With Maxwell in Europe watching the very thing he built crumble, he would not show nor spew any malice or hate, wondering with an watchful eye on how his very own creation would thrive in a normal environment.

With the comapny in ruined and the leftover assets being sold/controlled by the government, Alex and her mother lived in peace. With Alex's mother never once telling her the full truth, yet Alex having the smarts to put her odd nature and pieces together, it wouldn't be long at all until she found out about her creation and the tests she was subjected too. Not even caring about the formality of it all, she would devote her professional life to that of the law and safety of others, while her personal time was being spent synthizaing and formulating a hypothesis on where Maxwell could be hiding, eager to question him and ask him the greatest question in her life. "Why." Being an adult now, Alex works as lead detective and Anti-terrorist unit at her local city's police station. While her coworkers know her as being odd and stone cold, yet nice and friendly, the have no idea about her powers. Deciding it be best for a regular human to not bei shwoing off their inhumane abilities, Alex would hide them from the public and only use them behind close doors. While Demi's, anthros,a dn more exist in this world, regualr humans are just that;regular. If she has to use her abilities, she does so to protect others or to devour enemies, the resulting usage making her hungry and causing her to take a specialized medicine to keep the virus in her under control.

Powers and Abilities :
- Immense Strength
- Immense speed
- Enhanced reflexes
- rapid digestion
- Super human intelligence
- Mastery of laws and firearms
- absorption
- Trait theft
- Regeneration
- Stomach healing


Their place on the vore spectrum :
She is a switch on the vore spectrum, never really experiencing the joy of eating others in highschool nor having a loved one show you affection by keeping you inside them. While she uses consumption in her line of work to restrain or capture people, she will not go out of her way to devour people unless they are romantically involved with her, for their safety, or

if her urges overtake her. Prey they've devoured : 0
Times devoured : 0


Settings :

Alex is best suited for modern AU's where demi's and magical creatures exist in the modern world. Thugh im not opposed to time travel/portal hijincks.
Where you find her : Her Job, the park, the cafe, or the library doing research.

"what? I can't have an off day?"

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"What do you mean I have something on my face?"

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"Goodness this workday is such a drag..."

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"Pose? Like this?..."

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"Researching is so boring..."

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"Of course im covering up... it's freezing outside"

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"Another agent meeting after this one? Sigh... I guess..."

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"What do you mean Jackson dranked all the coffee?"

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"Hm? What do you mean by "Cheese" ?"

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"Funny picutres guys... really funny..."

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Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Might be pretty hard to digest lol.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike Pull this off and I'll be impressed.
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Advance regeneration
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike Fav
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gotta Know you.
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can make it work
Soul Vore Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike It's gotta make sense.
Transformation Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not so much on it itself, but the description of disposal.
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Bones, Clothing, Jewerly.
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Loli/Shota = Insta blocked. Unless you can be professional in rping a minor in vore, kindly fuck off.
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike 8-10 minutes between posts. I love long stories.
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yet back and forth's between convos is natural.
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Pure vore is boring.
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike Always down.
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike Unless I know you this is boring.
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike I Love dice!
Whisper Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Temp Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can be fun
Absorption Always/Love
Never/Dislike Marking's of past prey is Fun as hell, like a little trophy collection.
Tattooification Always/Love
Never/Dislike Marking's of past prey is Fun as hell.
Story With Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Whether gone for good or simply asleep inside of Alex, this will always get a play.
Voremance Always/Love
Never/Dislike Instant yes to any rp.
Hammerspace Always/Love
Never/Dislike Take it or leave it. If not specified assume anybody Alex consumes is hammerspaced.
Mana Battery Always/Love
Never/Dislike To be trapped in a pred, them sapping your mana like a battery... 100% yes to any rp with this.
Relationships Always/Love
Never/Dislike I Like stories. I like interacting with Characters. If your character's entire persona is vore, im not interested.
Goofiness and Wholesomeness Always/Love