
Up in the night sky. Do you see it? That star twinkling there? That's Alex. Alex has been a star all her life, happily sacrificing his own life, burning himself up slowly, just to give off the pleasant light that she liked to believe soothed those who saw it. One day, however, he noticed that she was moving, falling towards one of the planetoids she had been watching. Earth. as he landed with a crash, she stood up, looking down at himself to see that he wa sno longer the burning mass he had once been, but now had a body, akin to the other bodies she was seeing around her. Dazed and confused, this star, able to change genders at will, now roams Nexus park, doing his best to keep up her smile and good nature~
Currently, it has been discovered that whenever she is surrounded by one gender, or close to one gender, he will switch to the gender opposite that one. Being human, with no powers other than the ability to glow and the power to reform from a coughed up ember, Alex might find herself on the inside of most preds rather swiftly, if he's not careful.
As of late, she has found that she can control what gender she shows, and she will most likely be showing the female gender. Additionally,s he is searching for others like her, though her methods are a bit odd. She knows that there are others, she knows it for a fact. And how does she know it? Because she saw in a cookbook on rare prey "How to properly prepare a star". As it turns out, Stars, and the stardust they produce, but mostly their cores, are the rarest of meals, and one of the most delicious if prepared right.
Her body:
Alex's body is entirely made out of tightly packed stardust. She can manipulate this stardust to do what she wants, which is how she moves and speaks, and also how she heals from things like cuts. She can generate as much stardust as she needs to from her Crystal core, a flaming crystal gem that sits inside of her chest, acting as her heart, mind, and soul. This core is her real body, the human form she shows is nothing but stardust. This means that even if her human body has it's head cut off, she won't ever be truly hurt unless her core is damaged, and even then it can heal given enough time.
Alex is new to this. This being almost everything. When she first landed, it took her almost a week just to figure out how to walk right, and almost three weeks to get speaking down enough to hold a conversation. She has all that down by now, however she is still confused by all the planet dwellers around her. She doesn't know what the 'right' way to act is, so she usually takes the word of anyone around her. This leads her to be very gullible, and very easily taken advantage of.
((The picture shown is Alex in her female form.))

((Alex in his male form))

Nebula Dragon form. Recently acquired.
((WIP but ready for play))