If you've any familiarity with the affairs of nobility(At least, in a fantasy setting), you know that it's always a tricky business, getting everyone to play nice with each other. There's always someone who's unwelcome at any given event, either not invited or politely bribed so they don't show up. There's all manner of intrigue, etiquette, and polite behavior. And, well, there's more bullshit than would be needed to fill the grand canyon. Of course, it's not all bad, but it gets irritating even for the nobles, eventually. For some, though, it gets irritating sooner than it does for others. Aldrick, for instance, can't STAND most of the nonsense he sees at those elegant social events, and tends to spend them alone, getting drunk, or with his dad, also getting drunk.
Mind, the Morvans aren't usually invited to parties, anymore. There have been some... incidents, in the past. Perhaps not surprising, in a kingdom where almost all of the nobility is made up of humans, but still, his father earned the title during a bloody war years ago, first earning a title for saving the prince's life, and then for exposing a coup planned by other nobles. However, being born a commoner, the others don't think so much of him, and he doesn't think much of THEM, either. His speech is rather coarser than they're used to, and his manners... put politely, need some work. He's better than he was, but he'd rather be doing anything BUT attending a fancy party, as would his son. Perhaps this is why Aldrick is always out doing other things, patrolling problem roads of the kingdom, whilst his father oversees the duchy he was given as thanks. It's definitely why they're not invited often, even if they are high-ranking nobles, and frankly, they like it that way.
Aldrick, though, is becoming something else. He is, in fact, becoming a bit of a local hero, known for his work in clearing the roads of bandits, making travel and trade safer and more profitable for everyone. Where before he was known as 'That Wolf's son by his common wife', now he's regarded by locals as a generally worthwhile noble to keep around. It's fairly common to see him and a small troop of soldiers patrolling an area that's been plagued by bandits recently, looking for trouble.
Of course, he's easy to spot almost anywhere he goes, really. The Beastfolk of his kingdom aren't terribly common, and, while not oppressed, they're not exactly viewed as equals by most. It was a nasty shock to the nobility when his father, Gerick, was raised to the title of Duke, but since then, a few others have attained lower titles for their service. Morvan itself, renamed after being taken from the leader of the conspiracy to kill or dethrone the king, has become known as a haven for his kind, with him and his father showing what heights they can reach. There's no discrimination there, and it's rapidly becoming a producer of fine soldiers, with the Duke often taking a personal hand in training the best of them.
Aldrick, though. Easy to spot in any situation, as much because of how uncommon beastfolk are, much less beastfolk in finery, he's a rather striking example of his particular breed. He stands fully five feet and ten inches tall, with short-cut, blue-gray hair and bright green eyes. His teeth are perfectly straight and white, the only divergence from the human norm being a pair of elongated canines in his mouth. His skin is fair, simply because Morvan is largely woodlands, keeping him from really getting a tan. His physique, on the other hand, is perhaps best described as heroic. Fit and toned, with defined muscle earned by hours of training and fighting, he's often seen in light armor, carrying around a heavy axe. Much less often, he'll be wearing finery, and a sullen look, drinking at a bar. His ears are far more likely to be up, and his tail wagging, in the former situation than the latter.
Still, hey. At least he usually isn't invited, or expected to attend. And if he is, there's booze! Though, there have been some rumors that there's other reasons Beastfolk aren't invited to parties... like their appetites.