
For play in Falacaerr in Balis's canon.

Quick Stats:
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 110, though it does increase if she is holding prisoners.
Age: 21
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Calm Green
Body Build: She's lithe, but strong. Her stomach usually sports a bulge, however, the size of which depends on the amount of prisoners within.
Manner of Dress: She wears revealing clothing, her more womanly areas of course covered. Her belly, flat or bulging, is always on display. She also wears the customary bicep length gloves of the L.P.'s, although her's happen to be of silk.
Noticeable marks: In the style of many other Living Prisons, Catrina sports a tattoo around her navel of a shut lock. She also has the mark of Balis on the back of her right hand.

Catrina didn't think she'd survive the second raid on her village. After her town had been practically decimated by a group of bandits who had lodged in the town after the rout, she was understandably angry when a second, larger force showed up. She was only eight, but she could tell that a woman was commanding the forces, having no idea that this was Balis. She also had no idea that the Goddess of Justice was there to take care of the bandit problem. She just thought that a second group had come to make things even worse.

The results were predictable. Catrina, in the confusion of battle, made it right up to Balis. Her sword was torn from her already weak grasp and Catrina was knocked down. When Catrina started yelling at Balis, blaming her for making things worse than they already were and for the first bandit attack, Balis realized what was going on. She had two Zealots escort her off the battlefield and taken to where the rest of the surviving villagers were being kept.

By this point, the raid was over. Any bandit that couldn't be forced into compliance had been cut down, while the rest were imprisoned in Living Prisons for their crimes.

In the following days, a temple was established in the village for Balis as the bandits who had fled were caught and imprisoned. It was as Balis and her army were leaving that Catrina broke from the crowd, approaching Balis, but more respectfully this time. And she spoke the words that would change her life. "I want to be a Zealot, under your command."

Balis accepted the request, when no relations stepped forward to claim her and stop Catrina from going. It was Balis herself who inducted the girl, those twin fangs sliding out and piercing Catrina's neck to mark her as one of her Zealettes. Catrina followed the company out of the city, and never looked back.

Over the next thirteen years, Catrina was educated and trained the arts of the Zealots. She decided fairly quickly that she didn't want to be -just- a Zealette, and that she wanted to serve Balis in the capacity of a Living Prison by the age of 13. Over the next eight years, she spent her time training, learning, and obeying the call of her Goddess when it came.

Catrina is now 21, and wanders around from garrison to garrison of the Avenging Church, helping with prisoners if need be. She also heeds Balis' call when it comes. She doesn't quite remember where she gained the nickname 'Alcatrina', but she does remember that it is supposedly a famous prison on another world, and she works to live up to the nickname.

Catrina is also personally afraid of Bastille, and uses the fallen Living Prison as a reminder to herself that sometimes, too much power is a bad thing.

Normal Zealot Abilities:
Combat Expertise - All Zealots are trained with a rudimentary knowledge of combat, particularly to excel with heavy plate armor and broadswords or large double-bladed axes.
Passage to Hell - Although not able to directly teleport, all Zealots instinctively know of where and how to access portals to the various underworlds, and most explicitly to the Umbra, the realm under Balis' control.
Discern Lies - Able to detect lies through the unique method of licking someone.
Learn the Truth - By maintaining a touch on a creature that has lied to the Zealot, they can invoke the presence of Balis into the victim's mind. This compels the creature to tell the truth. ( Or in some cases, left babbling and in shock for an hour... )
Divine Inspiration - Ability to commune with Balis. (This is a special form of prayer, direct to and always heard by Balis. VERY likely she'd respond back to any Zealot. Common worshippers... Not so likely. )
Dark Blessing - Influenced by Balis' typical behavior, this ability is used to turn willing subjects into a fledgling Zealot. Invoking the divine energies from their goddess, twin fangs are extended from the top row of their teeth and used for what many call a sinister act of feeding off the intended recipient. It is both symbolic and the direct means to which Balis removes the person's free will as well as augmenting their memories. It is a homage to Balis' generally perceived look of demonic imagery.

Living Prison Abilities:
Soul Imprison: This is by far the most well-known abilities of the Living Prisons. With her gloves off, all Catrina needs to do is touch someone with the bare skin of her hands and concentrate for a moment to suck a person and their soul into her womb, locking them within there until their sentence is finished.
Soul Communication: This allows Catrina to converse with the souls in her with her mind.

Special Abilities:
Prison Release: While the process of Rebirth is useful, Catrina wanted a way to carry prisoners, maybe even friends or those she needed to escort, and have the ability to release them without going through the process of Rebirth. It was a Grey Guardian-trained Zealette that ended up helping her figure this one out, allowing her to reform a soul's body within her womb away from the rest of the souls and birth them out.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love