
One of The_Other_People

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Name: Albus (latin for "white")

Age: Actual age is unknown. Apparent age is 19

Race: Rare albino elven female

Height: 5'0" (short for a female elf)

Bust: 38DD

Weight: 125lbs.

Hair: White. Naturally hairless on her underarms, sex, and legs.

Skin: White

Eyes: Golden color

Attire: Normally wears a black leather top that stops a few inches below her breasts, black leather pants, regular white bra and panties worn underneath and a pair of white tennis shoes on her feet. (subject to change with each rp)

Sexual preference: Likes them all but is incredibly shy around men. Reason for this is unknown.

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Has no piercings or scars. Has a small stick figure angel on the back of her neck allowing her to reform ((out of scene)) if eaten.

Originally born into a family of dark skinned elves she was picked on relentlessly all throughout her childhood due to her being born albino. She stuck it out until her 19th birthday as she was on the computer one night and came to hear about this place called Nexxus Park City. Deciding it was time for a fresh start in a new city she packed up what clothes she has along with her top of the line laptop and headed to the area. A few months into living in an apartment without hardly any contact with anyone aside from helping people at her job at an adult novelty store ((sex toy shop another words)) she decides to start going out to clubs on singles nights. So far no luck on finding someone to call her own but hopes each time she goes her luck will change.