Bio: Hi I'm Alba, I'm an Espeon, I roam Johto telling fortunes in exchange for riches, luxuries, and the finest of cuisines Johto has to offer. I’m a psychic and every fortune I’ve told comes true at some point in time, but my prices aren’t cheap so if you want a fortune you better pay up somehow.
Location: I live in a house right next the department store in Goldenrod city. My Fortune teller’s tent is located in the alley between my house and the department store. I love to walk around in public and shop next the wears of the department store.
I’m a fortune teller and love it when the fortunes I tell come true, especially the ones when the one getting the fortune ends up padding my rear!!!
{True Fortunes:}
Other chars: If you had fun with me then you might have fun with the rest of my family too! You can find them here:
{Pokémon Stats}
Nature: Quirky/Modest
Species: Sun Pokémon
Height: 5′3″
Weight: 158.4 lbs.
Abilities: Synchronize, Magic Bounce (hidden ability)
Moves: Psychic, Zen headbutt, future sight, swift [Sub Moves:]
“You don’t need to ask for your fortune because your future looks nice as you pad out my thighs and ass when you’re done digesting in my belly!!!”