The SGU, "Slave Gathering Unit", was an artifical giantess created by a race of alien slavers. They saught to enslave the local human population of cave people, and used the SGU to capture them in her stomach. However, the aliens underestimated the savagry of the cave people, one brave cave girl breaking free and disabling the SGU. The aliens fled, but left the SGU underground behind a puzzle lock, wait for the day when humanity was a little smarter and less brutal.
Thousands of years passed, until finally, one explorer accidnetly freed the SGU, who then went on a rampage. It captured many of the local humans, seeking a way to signal its creators...Until her old enemy appeared. That's right, the cave girl somehow traveled through time to face the giantess once again, and again, beat her.
Disabled once again, this time the SGU was not left alone. Humans had advanced, and they proved it by entering her head and reprogramming her brain. Alara was born now, brand new defender of the City of
Ayonoree. She's a sweet and some times silly giantess...With a slight 'quirk'. While they reprogrammed her, one hard wired program could not be changed. She still has an uncontrolable urge to swallow people. Its doesn't hurt them, and she lets them out with a quick apology, but its still happens all the same. SHe's also developed a kind of 'fear' of the cave girl, who she knows to be around...Somewhere...