Alft of:
Age: 21
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 115 lbs
Breast size: C-Cup
Akeera is a neko who just love butt and playing with them giving them a squeeze butts and poking pussy and love to rub others butts and pussies and she love the smell of the butt and love to play with scat and love gas and love to have fun and sex with other people and just thinks of life as a party.
Vore by:
Hatsune_baby: became the babies butt fat
Vore battles:
Vore Moves:
Oral Vore
[A holds B] >> [A puts B in mouth] >> [B enters A's throat, taking 1hp constriction damage] >> [B enters stomach and takes 3hp of damage per turn and must roll a 16 or higher to escape]
[A holds B] >> [A begins unbirthing B] >> [B enters the womb and takes 4hp of damage per turn. A 13 or higher must be rolled for escape.]
Anal Vore:
[A holds B] >> [A begins AVing B] >> [B is now completely in the anus of A, thus entering the large intestines of A] >> [B enters the first part of the small intestines of A] >> [B enters the second part of the small intestines of A] >> [B enters the stomach of A and suffers the usual 3hp of damage per turn and must roll a 16 or higher to escape..]
Breast Vore:
[A holds B] >> [A begins pushing B into her breast] >> [B enters breast and takes 2hp of damage per turn. A 15 or higher must be rolled to escape]
UB Transformation:
[Tail] >> [Lower body] >> [Upper body] >> [Head]
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