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Basic Information Name: Tsukiko Akane Age: 16 Sex/Gender:Female Height: 5'2" Including ears Weight: 122.5 lbs Birthday: May 25th (Date of being Reborn) Zodiac Sign: Gemini Orientation: She hasnt explored her options yet Occupation: Bard,Preformer, and Shrine maiden Cup Size: C cup Relationships: Akane_Kiyomi mom, Hidako woof friend Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue | |
Appearance Tsukiko is a kitsune for one, and has blonde Hair, ears, and tail, she also has white on the tips of all her hair, taking very much from her mother as well wearing a kimono a lot that is pretty traditionally with red and white with floral patterns, as well as however she has more casual clothing that is a white and red sun dress as well, and for both outfits she normally has an umbrella to set and assist with the theme of her outfit. She also with her instruments she normally can have them summoned with magic but also she will occasionally have them with her. | |
General Personality Tsukiko overall much like her oldself in a degree takes after her past self and is pretty cheerful and is happy-go-lucky overall but she also not very much taking after her former self, she has a pretty serious personality when she wants or needs to be, but she also is pretty much calm, collected, and happy. Tsukiko also has moments of being lonely and Reserved, but she also has moments of outbursts of rage and other emotion once she has flashes of memory from her past self confusing her as to who she really is. Tsukiko has a few likes and dislikes, her likes being a few things such as Nature, Playing music, and also helping others, and slaying demons. Dislikes include things like sour candies, she has a distaste to technology, and also has a bit of fear spiders. | |
TL;DR Luna_saytr has been reborn by her new mother Akane_Kiyomi and has flashes of memory from her former past self as well as also is very kind and sweet and curious of things around the world and looks to experience things on herself and trying things where she can and learning about what it means to be alive. | |
Background Past Before Rebirth: A young girl under the name of Luna_saytr lost her parents when she was young and was picked up by a goddess of nature, and soon enough Luna was working as an aspect of the nature goddess, she worked as this for most of her life, and later on in life she had carried her faith on her shoulders and was tasked to keep the cycle of life in tact, and her goddess believed that there was 3 parts of the cycle of life. Life, Death, and Rebirth, however the final part of the cycle was considered unnatural by her goddess so she had an extreme Aversion to those being reborn as skipping death. Luna kept her goddess's faith and her mission in mind but also completely went a bit on her own path exploring life however she had a part of her to keep her on task however it was very much more violent and determined than Luna wished to be and so on more than one occasion it lashed out and took control and Luna later on once she had lost a friend to the part of the cycle that was considered unnatural she had realized she had failed her mission and had not kept a friend from skipping this part of the cycle, she was to give up her life as retrebution for this and so when preforming the ritual an divine outside force had interuppted the ritual and caused a split between Luna and her other half that took the name Sorin, but Luna also lost all her memories as a cost of this. Sorin being a rather caring part of her at heart and did care for Luna it spent most of its time trying to help Luna regain her memories, Sorin soon enough finding that way to help complete this task, but at the cost of his life, and as much as Luna was going to hate that he had to do this, he did it despite her not wanting him to, and he left her with a note, his musical weapons, and two names, one being his own and the name of a person he left a pendant with to help her regain her memories completely or so he hoped. Though once she had acquired this pendant it did not do its intended affect and sadly only ended up restoring a portion of her memories, and she suffered a lash of spikes of pain and she was left lost as a wantering soul... her goddess also having left Luna for seeing her as nothing more than worthless at this point, if not long before. The Lost Soul Finding Purpose: Luna_saytr soon enough was left as a soul without a purpose, she lost everything that she held dear, her family long ago, most of her memories, a part of her being, her Purpose... She lost most everything... so she seeked to go on and looked for her purpose, to find something to give her who she was, or to find this purpose she looked for. Luna went to many differnt places, to differnt jobs, to differnt times alone in nature, and her last place she came back to was faith, and would go on and begin to go to shrines. Visiting these shrines she asked the Priests and Priestess's to give her a role to fill that need for a purpose, Luna however was cast away for many differnt reasons, one of the various being that she was considered demonic with her being a saytr and considered part demonic as well as being a creature of nature, it all being a misunderstanding from saytr's being uncommon to see and people not understanding. Luna did eventually come to a shrine that was different, and she upon coming into it had met Akane_Kiyomi who was very kind to the young saytr and didnt cast her away but also happily let Luna make her request to find this purpose and after a very nice conversation over tea and cookies, Kiyomi had offered up her a choice and offered her the chance to be reborn, and while Luna was very off put by this offer it going against everything she had believed in and stood for and also though realized that, she was only going to be more hurt living in this world as how she was currently was being lost without purpose, she had agreed to go through with this but first she also preformed a small ritual burning the pendant that held her memories and also had made a requst that she be allowed to keep the instrumental weapons she was given, and was fine with her name being changed, and soon enough was put into her home for the next 5 month's Reborn Anew: later on soon enough Luna was reborn by Kiyomi into the world as Tsukiko Akane, going from a saytr to a kitsune and so after 5 months she was born and was given a bit of groth magic to help the newly born Kisune grow and age faster for the first few weeks and soon enough had reached about the age of 6 and was beginning training in magic as well as learning to use her instruments as well as the teachings of Kiyomi's goddess of war. She would soon enough self teach herself a bit to learn how to play her instrumeants that were left for her that also were re-enchanted to do some more things, but she also learned to use a blade pretty well too. She went though this training as well as making her training in nature magic too and along with the growth magic she soon had aged pretty quickly and had reached age 16 soon enough before she had also learned a bit about love and vore along the way, but she also had a problem from her past self, of flashes of memory from her time as Luna and has conflicting emotions at times as to worry of who she really was, and now travels the world as a bard, preformer, and shrine priestess and maiden, and also a demonslayer as well, but also seeks to learn about love and what it is like, more so than from her teachings and studies, and to actually experience it. Extra Notes This character is Luna_saytr Reborn as a kitsune, and Luna is gone but now has a new form and was reborn by Akane_Kiyomi Tsukiko has a good few many of instruments that she can play being taught three main ones that she plays and carries being a Violin, Flute, and a Drum. Each of these instruments have a secondary function that include A flute that can extend to draw a hidden shortsword blade, her violin doubles as a light cross bow, or otherwise known as a Talharpa, And finally her drum, it has been magically enchanted to summon a large oni warrior that holds a large flaming Kanabo, she uses it both as offensively and defensively, the harder she beats the drum the harder it hits, the faster she beats thedrum the faster its swings. Part of Alts_Of_Contrary |
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Soft Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Hard Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Digestion | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Fatality | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Reforming | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Endo | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Oral Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unbirthing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Cock Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Anal Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Tail Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Breast Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | They aren’t this big for no reason~ |
Vampiric Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Soul Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unconventional Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Stretchy | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Realistic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Rough | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Gentle | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Pain | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Transformation | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Blood | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Disposal | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Bondage | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Magic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Willing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unwilling | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Micro/Macro | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Same Size | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Male Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Female Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Herm Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Human Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Demi Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Fur Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Scaly Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Feathered Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Plants | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Animal / Non-morphic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Underage Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Evolving Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Staying In Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Surprise Me | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Multi-Session | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Grab and Gulp | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Group Roleplay | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Whisper | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Public | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Private | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Domination, teasing, powerplay | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Teasing, Flirting, Seduction | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Mushy/Lovey-dovey stuff | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Slice of life | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Story Driven RP | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Breast Feeding | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Well if they are this big, they have to have something in them right?~ |
breast smothering | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Careful, a lack of air thanks to breasts is a common occurrence, but will most of the time just end in some loving squishes~ |
Cuddling/Nuzzling/Snuggling | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |