Adolescent Dragon's
Dragon's are very dangerous creatures and they get larger and larger over time often unlocking magical abilities as well when they are at their most powerful. They are young for their first 50 years of life during which they are only human sized and some adolescents remain this size well into their adolescent years there is great variation among dragon-kind. But regardless of size most dragons are at least a little dangerous. They can fly, breath huge amounts of fire or other damaging substances, wield basic magic and command authority over a number of minions.
Powers: Magic (Region Affecting, Destructive), Size (Varies), Flight, Dragon's Breath, Authority, Fear Aura. Resistance To Weaponary.
Personality: Different colors of dragons embody different emotions but the most common type which is Red embody pride and authority. They often plague cities and regions near them or even rule kingdoms when they adults but as Adolescents mostly just bother local lords and try and snatch up noblity for dinner.
(Warning: It is worth preparing some method of avoiding their breath attacks)
(Tips: Immobilizing their flight is an important first step)