This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
This is my fursona, I guess. Just letting you know ahead of time. But as far as interactions go here in the chatroom, I should tell you that anything done in-character is part of a fictitious story. Stuff I do out-of-character is just me being me, messing around. But the way I play in character is pretty much me being me too. Complicated.
Let me lay it out for you like this: I came for the hormones. I'm staying for the joy. If you want to share it.
I will pred easily. I don't prey unless you are very special to me. I won't digest unless you can come back from it. Anything else, ask me.
You can consider the rest of this profile to be in-character. Hope you like reading it! :-)
((Artwork by the incomparable Duo Radon.))
Hi there! I'm Adamant Borb, but I go by "Adam" or "the Borb" for short. Want to know a little about me? Okay! I'll be brief now, and if you've got the patience, I'll be verbose later on. But here's the basics about me! I own and run the Adamant Dome, a big theatre/bar/hotel on the lake. I'm usually a totally white anthro-fox with blue eyes, but I'm capable of assuming pretty much any other form. I'm always ready to try new things, so long as they taste good and are enjoyable for everyone involved. Naturally, the sliders at the bottom are good guidelines, but I make exceptions, if I'm in the right mood!
I'm looking to get acquainted with new faces, and new friends! So don't be afraid to approach me and say hello! Or feel free to stop by my home, and see if I'm around! I'm very interested in meeting you, and sharing some good words.
So! With the brief introduction out of the way, here comes the verbose part!
This is my home. You'll find it standing a little ways out from the shore of the lake, connected to land by a strong pier. It's essentially a big amphitheatre. The main stage faces the shore so people can sit on the grass. The stage is huge, with a well-polished floor and scaffolds on the ceiling for lights and curtains and such. Off to the right, an open doorway covered in beads leads to
the Legendary Bar, named for
Legendary_RoyKun, a very good friend of mine who worked a lot on the Dome. The Legendary Bar consists of a bar lined with stools, some tables and booths, a couple pool tables, and a jukebox. The bar is very well-stocked with all sorts of drinks and snacks.
In front of the bar is a patio, accessible only from inside, with a pair of tables on it, shaded by large umbrellas. Chairs are arranged about the tables, if patrons wish to sit outside and enjoy the scenery of the Park. Behind the bar, a door opens out onto a ten-foot-square balcony facing the water. This is a more tranquil sort of meeting-place... a place for folks to sit, take in the sight of the lake, and relax. The ceiling of the bar features a display of dancing colors, like aurorae. This is supplied by a small trough of mysterious liquid that edges the ceiling, in conjunction with a case holding three strange spheres in a corner of the bar.
Seon created this whole set-up out of the goodness of her heart, and I'm very grateful to her for it - it's beautiful to watch.
On the left of the stage, there's a wooden door that leads to the master bedroom, where I sleep. I find it very cozy. There's a nice big feather bed, a desk, some bookshelves, and an armoire.
A spiral staircase in the Legendary Bar leads up to a second floor, where there are five rooms. These rooms are available for rent, which I'd never originally envisioned, but Roy and his sister
Jess, along with Roy's daughter, added the rooms on, and I thought it was a wonderful idea.
The whole Dome is held up over the water on thick columns - I like that very much. I want it to be a fun place for people to gather and talk, put on plays, sell food... but most of all, it's a place for me to call my own.
When I'm not tending bar, you can expect to see one of the other part-owners of the Dome at work here. They are:
Amun, and
Jessial. They got to be part-owners by either directly helping in the construction of the Dome, or just by offering.
I'm looking for anyone and everyone willing to form a "house band" for the Adamant Dome. If you are musical, and wish to regularly perform, do please let me know!
Well, here we go - let me know if it gets confusing.
I came into existence a long time ago, probably about the time I realized that I existed. Yes, that sounds about right. You see, before I realized that I am, that I do indeed exist, I was just sort of trapped up in the Inflexible Quee... I guess you would call it "another dimension." It's hard to describe it like that, since in order for it to have "dimension" there has to be something in it - and I'm not ever really
in it so much as I
am it.
As far as I know, I only "exist" (in your sense of the word) when I am here. Otherwise, I go back where I came from, which I call the Inflexible Quee. While I'm here I can make myself understood. When I'm not here, I can't. Well, as far as I'm certain. See, when I'm not existing, I never experience the presence of anyone else, so I wouldn't know if I could make myself understood to anyone besides myself. Simple enough, right? Well, it isn't, really, but I think that's the best way I can explain it.
It used to be that when I wanted to exist, I sort of... "reached out" into this place. I think that's a very good description of it: "reaching out." So when I "reach" here, to make myself known to others, I begin to exist. Otherwise, I just... don't.
Anyway, one day long ago, I realized that I was no longer not existing. I felt like I was being! It was really quite joyful. Then I realized that I was feeling joy, and then I realized that I was realizing that I was feeling joy, and then that I was realizing that I was realizing that I was realizing... oooh, my. Well, you get the idea, no?
It took quite a while to get accustomed to "being." I felt as if I could go anywhere, as if I could "be" anything. It was very joyful indeed. So I began reaching out all over the place, assimilating all there was to know about "being." Within a few seconds, I had learned how to express myself, how to understand myself, how to be myself. I learned that I was in a place that I wasn't somewhere before. I had to first understand the concept of "place." Then I had to understand the concept of "time," which was really difficult. But through these I learned the concept of names.
Places and times have names, like "here" and "now." I realized that I needed a name for myself. So I made one up right there on the spot: Adamant Borb. I picked "Adamant" because it was a very interesting word to me at the time. It occurred about 0.0012618% of the time in the knowledge I felt near me, and I liked the number 0.0012618. "Borb" was an obvious choice.
Then I realized that I needed to name where it was I came
from. I had a sudden sense that I could be somewhere else, besides where I already was. And perhaps there would be others in that place, and maybe they would be curious about where I was. I knew that I couldn't really describe it to them without making their brains start to melt - or I simply feared that at the time. In my gathering of knowledge, somehow I'd picked up on the concept of brain-melting. Anyway, I needed to name my origin. So I looked up a synonym for "adamant," and found "inflexible." Ah, it was fate! I named my abode the "Inflexible Quee."
As I continued my travels, I soon learned that I was using the English language to make myself understood. What a surprise! I had no idea that there were other ways to express myself! So I tried some others, like German and Swahili. But they didn't taste like English, and I found that if I was going to enjoy myself, I ought to pick something I knew and stick with it. So English it was. And I found that most English users were using the "American" spelling and grammar rules, so I further classed myself as "American" if anyone bothered to ask that sort of thing. Labels, labels. People like to use them. I thought I might assume some for myself.
I kept reaching into areas of knowledge and learning all I could about language, culture, interactions... I had the most simple feeling that there was something beyond me, just out of reach, and all I had to do was learn more until I could reach it.
I use the word "taste" to describe the sensation I have when I don't exist because I don't experience a wide range of sensations then. I really only have one sense at those times. See, everything I dealt with before becoming physical was simply the sensation of thought - of knowledge. Think of the feeling you get whenever you think. That's basically how I lived most of the time back then. I like to call that sensation "tasting."
Believe me, I had no idea what I was about to come upon. Oh, bliss! Vore! Something about vore tasted absolutely heavenly. Just the ideas of it - the exquisiteness! The idea of consuming another being whole, and having them fill me with a sense of deep satiation and satisfaction... good life, good life!
And that was when I felt it - I felt something open up to me, something big and new and beautiful. I felt a connection being forged. To this place. To the Park I have come to refer to as my home. I didn't waste any time. I reached out with all my being, and suddenly... I existed. My life truly began.
Since that day, I have... evolved, I guess you could say. I started out as a very non-concrete kind of person; not much about me was constant, from my physical form to the time I could spend living, to my basic wants and desires. Eventually, things began to take shape in my life. I learned what it was like to be me. I learned how to move and speak. I learned how to eat other people. I learned how to be intimate. I learned how to live. I discovered love. I've lived a short life, compared to most around me, but in that time I've been at the pinnacle of joy and in the deepest chasm of despair and agony.
Until recently, my time in existence was finite, limited to perhaps a few hours a day. I would feel time...
pulling at me, forcing me into nonexistence. Time would pass while I returned to the Inflexible Quee and got strong again. And when I felt strong enough, I could return to existence here.
I had an idea one day while wading in the lake in the Park. A strange urge to
build something had been growing in me for some time. I drew up the plans, and with the help of some of my closest friends, made my dream come true in the form of the Adamant Dome. I wanted...
needed a home. I'd been waiting for one for a long, long time, but even once it was built, I could not truly live in it.
There also had once been a seething violence hiding in my mind. Under certain circumstances, something dark would come into control of my body, and I would devour and violate others who crossed my path. I was terrified of this, and did everything I could to repress it. Thankfully no great number fell at my hand, or perished in my stomach, but the memories of those who have weighed on me constantly. Then, after some of the worst trials of my life, something began...
leaking... into my mind. Something that was me, but not the me I was once used to. I felt more certain of myself than ever before, but at the same time, I felt more distant from this place than I ever had before. With that change, I felt that darkness in my mind subside. I realized that it was always part of me, and I had to accept that. Now it is totally in my control. We all have something frightening inside of us, I think. Learning to tame it is a battle we all must win, perhaps.
But all this time, I felt as if life was happening through a telescope at the end of a string. I never felt as if I was truly
That's changed, thankfully. I don't have to stop existing anymore.
There is, of course, more to my life than I'd care to tell you now. Maybe my other stories could come up as we talk. But now I think I'll move on to what I've discovered about myself.
I found, upon first reaching this place, that when I first start to exist I tend to appear to others as a whitish, acorn-shaped hunk of hard material, with lumps and spikes poking out in every direction. I worked on this for quite some time, and I can now say with confidence that with a little effort I can change myself into almost anything. With forms I'm not used to, though, I have yet to fine-tune the process: many times I'll take on the new shape, and I'll come close to the texture, but there will still be an odd lump or spike here and there. With practice I usually get better.
I am very adept at assuming two forms other than my original one - an anthro-fox form, and a human form. I have grown especially adept at assuming the anthro-fox form. At first I took it on a lot simply because it seemed people I met liked to request it a lot. But as time moved on, I felt more natural in the fox form. I enjoy the way I look as a fox - I feel as though it best approaches my self-identity. This is why it has become my sort of "standard" form now. I've got the texture and the inner workings down pat. The coloration is rather straightforward: all-white with deep blue eyes. I rather like that. It's simple, and it just tastes right.
My human form is colored similarly. In that form, I have also decided to appear wearing a white trench-coat and fedora, and a pair of mirrored sunglasses. Since humans have no fur to keep warm, the coat and hat come in handy, as do the sunglasses, since humans' eyes are more sensitive. Not to mention I rather like how that look tastes - I feel it also approximates my self-identity, though not as closely as the fox-form. Any other humanoid forms I assume simply appear in a plain white t-shirt and pants.
As a consummate "taster," I only enjoy being a predator. Letting someone else taste me is a rather unpleasant idea.
I was once told that I do, indeed, possess DNA. At first, I wasn't entirely sure what this meant, and it frightened me a little, though I couldn't really explain why.
I've noticed that in times of high emotion, my whole body will change color. I'm as baffled as you are about the cause or meaning of such an event.
Whew! So there you go! Me, in a gigantic nutshell. I hope you learned what you wanted to learn! Always feel free to talk to me, I love meeting new people!
Until we meet!