
Name: Abil Castille
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Demon Transfused)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 127 lbs
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Cici DeBeaux's Personal Guard

Abil Castille wasn't born in the same, secluded town as his best friend Cici DeBeaux, the High Priest's son. No, Abil was born in a bustling town with lots of ports and healthy trade with the outside world, known as Saint Harbor. He had a pretty good childhood, and loving parents.. both of which were powerful politicians, real big-wig players in the whole region's politics, who coddled their son and drilled into his head their deals. 'The strong step on the weak, and the strong survive.' Every day, as he saw them build their empire on top of the poor and low-income families worse off than them-- his parents, working less and earning more money-- they told him, over and over, that he would outlast them and that he, too, would one day step on the weak and grow up to be a powerful young man. They did not say it to be cold, nor bitter, for they truly did love their son.. but he took their words, perhaps, too literally.

At the ripe age of 9, Abil watched as a horde of demons descended on his hometown. The lively streets, home to hundreds of people, were bathed in blood that day, including the blood of his parents. For all their politics and all their stepping on the little man, their "power" had not saved them from the demons. Abil himself had hid away in a toolshed to spare himself his parents' fate, and only one stray imp had sniffed out the boy.. but when the imp closed in, obviously overtaken with bloodlust, Abil surprised the creature and bashed it's head in with a ball peen hammer. Once, twice, three times.. he smashed and he bang-bang-banged the hammer into the floor, having caved the demon's head in minutes prior into a fine, gooey paste. It wasn't until an hour later, at least, before the local demon hunters had finally found the boy in the tool shed, still bawling his eyes out and breaking every bone in the long-dead imp's corpse. It took two men to pry the hammer out of his hand, and pry him off the demon. By day's end, Abil Castille was the only survivor of the Saint Harbor Incident.

Assuming they could use the boy's hatred of demons to mold him into a fine hunter, he was shipped off immediately to a Demon Hunters' academy, where he was trained to fight the very creatures that had burned his town to the ground and killed his parents. Oddly enough, though, Abil showed no interest in the techniques the demon hunters taught; in fact, he showed no interest in fighting demons at all. For in Abil's mind, he saw the demons-- not as enemies, to hunt and kill-- but merely as rivals for power. After all, how could he hate the demons who had killed his parents? They were strong, and they survived. And so, too, had Abil survived. Just as his parents had told him, he outlasted them.. and he would grow in power to surpass them, not politically, but in his own way, now.

During his time in the Demon Hunter's academy, he paid particular attention to the class's top student.. one Hito Mimawa. While Hito was praised for his prodigous fighting technique and strength, Abil was one of the few students at the academy who had actually seen demons attack firsthand, and he immediately knew.. Hito's power, while greater than the average human, was still barely able to compare to the average demon, let alone the strongest demons. And that was the best student in the academy. To take such pride in something so meager.. no, Abil could never settle for something like that. If he wanted to obtain any real power, beyond what his "peers" could comprehend, he would have to surpass his boundaries and foresake his humanity.

So he did. During his first mission, hunting a demon, Abil purposefully tracked one whose strength was just beneath his own.. having studied demon hierarchy, the young man was able to pinpoint, with eerie precision, exactly where he would land in their power structure. And when he cornered the demon, and had the creature on it's last leg.. he offered it a way out. To be more precise, he held the demon hostage, and in return for the creature's safe return to it's own family, Abil demanded the blood of the family's eldest and strongest demon, for it's blood would be far more potent than the demon he'd captured.

When they acquiesced to him, Abil let the weaker demon go and took the eldest's blood.. and in private, in secret, he fed the blood directly into his own veins, like a shot of heroine. For the next three days, he rode the inevitable high. When he staggered back to the academy from his "mission", they had assumed he had won a hard-fought battle with the demon; no one knew that he had transfused himself with a demon's blood, and no one knew that his sudden increase in fighting prowess was the direct result of this ill-gotten power.

After graduation, Abil was shipped off to a small, secluded church town to serve as the personal guard of a high-ranking member of the church. The "body" he was meant to guard-- Cici DeBeaux-- was certainly an.. interesting young man, who had his own ideas when it came to demons. Rather than "rivals for power", the young Priest's son deemed them more like "friends". Abil personally watched as Cici disobeyed direct orders from his father, the High Priest of the church, to indulge in sex and debauchery with his demon "friends". Abil, who saw demons as powerful creatures and on even footing with himself, especially now that he had infused himself with their blood, well-- he rather enjoyed Cici's lifestyle. The two of them became good friends almost immediately, and Abil, too, started "partying" with demons.. fucking them, doing drugs with them, exchanging ideas with them. He respected their power, and for what he could tell, they respected his.

TLDR; A "demon hunter" who was so obsessed with power that he injected demon blood into his own body. Now he'd rather party with demons and fuck them than fight them. He guards Cici alongside his partner, Khain.

Oh, and of course, this is just another fucking alt for LyzKeep.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike 50/50; Abil's strong and can do some pretty sick tricks with his demon power, but he's still *mostly* human.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike He'd love to take your power by blood..
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike .. or like this, if you prefer~
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Unfyes, let's fuck.
Scat Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Oral Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Get down there and start sucking.. giving or receiving.
Anal Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Get down there and bend over.. giving or receiving.
Footplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Get down there and start kissing.. giving or receiving.
Mind Altering Always/Love