

Sector 6 is an established military presence, with the tech, the manpower, and the will to (hopefully) fill the void that NSC has left. There are many world-threatening monsters out there, and the Sector is ready to take them on. However, the rapid advancement in the technological areas have left a loss of manpower within the sector. Most of the military is now mechanized, with very little infantry being used. It does not seem Trystan is interested in bringing footsoldiers into such dangerous conditions unarmed.

S6 forces are currently made up of three sections. The main combat body, from here on out referred to as Basic. The Support group, and the Specialised group.
Infantry will be brushed upon lightly in this report, as the main focus of S6's strength is their mechanized cohesion.

Main infantry
Heavy support infantry
SpecOps Infantry

And now on to the mechanized division. Those who don't care about this kind of thing should probably stop here. Thank you.