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HEIGHT: 4'5" (135 cm)
WEIGHT: 63 lbs (29 kg)
HAIR: Dark Purple
EYES: Cocoa
Quetz is a giant flying snake bound in the form of a human child. He doesn’t now anything about his past, but once in awhile he’ll have really vivid dreams that seem almost familiar. He is stubborn and selfish at times, but once you win his loyalty and respect he’ll treat you like royalty. Just don’t give him any gold unless you want him to transform into his giant reptilian self.
WEIGHT: 63 lbs (29 kg)
HAIR: Dark Purple
EYES: Cocoa
QUIRKS: Never wears shoes
LIKES: brawling, teasing, hunting
DISLIKES: losing, poachers, adults
Quetz is stubborn and thick-headed when it comes to most things. In his mindset it is the strongest that make the rules and carry them out, which is why he often lends a lot of respect to those that beat him in a competition, often referring to them as Chief. Keeping with the mentality of believing himself to be a warrior, Quetz will rarely expose his soft and gentle side to anyone as these are not traits that a warrior should have. As far as vore is concerned he is capable of swallowing others whole, but has a harder time doing so in his child form.
LIKES: brawling, teasing, hunting
DISLIKES: losing, poachers, adults
skills (can be omitted upon request)
Quetz is a natural born fighter. Living in the wild jungle, and relying solely on his instincts to get him through day after day has made him quite formidable as a child. Possessing keen reflexes and enhanced senses. He's still a kid though and thus is not much stronger than an adult human, but he's not exactly human either . . .
{ Transformation }
Passive: Though he may not look it, Quetz is actually a large serpentine beast bound in human form. How it happened or why it happened was a closely guarded secret, and sadly all that knew it either died or have long since forgotten. But what is certain is that Quetz can only transform into the creature if he comes into direct contact with gold.{ Brawler }
Active: Quetz was raised as a warrior in his tribe, and as such as learned the ways of combat. He’s skilled when it comes to various weapons such as a sword and bow, but they are dull in comparison to his hand-to-hand fighting. However, he is still locked in a child’s body so his blows are only remarkable for his age. An adult could shrug off a few hits perhaps.