
Ismaehri is an ice dragon, quite old. Her specific type of dragon tend to prefer colder climates, most notably those that never lose snow at all. They're known to be quite treasure-hungry, not against keeping anything from their meals as part of their hoard. Though, overall, their alignment is neutral...they don't seek out and destroy people, more content to live in their caves and deal with the occasional 'dragon-slayer' that attacks them without reason. Though, they can be bothersome and eat the occasional traveller when they're hungry....oh, and anyone, regardless of why, end up as a meal if they try stealing from their treasure hoardes. Their bodies tend to be colder then others, though they still generate heat...just at a lesser rate then other races.

Onto Ismaehri herself, she was born over half a millenium ago, but doesn't tell anyone her exact age. She just offers a smile and continues on as if the question wasn't asked. She's known to be one of the more powerful ice dragons, despite her youth. Unlike many of her kin, who are able to take different forms as they choose in addition to their draconic form, she prefers the form of a dragon-girl...though she does stand close to seven feet tall, she prefers this form when speaking with the 'lesser' lived races. She tends to travel more then most of her kind, but she can do so because she found a nice underground cave-system for storing her treasure hoard....and she also made it nearly inaccessible in any way but by her creating a portal to it...unless those who tried coming didn't mind taking a very dangerous path to get into her home. In regards to her personality, she is friendly while travelling; though doesn't abide stupidity. She can be quite cool, slow to anger...unless you try taking her treasure.

In regards to her powers, she has a few...and of course, they're all ice-based, except for her portal skill.

Shes a powerful ice mage, though she is weaker in areas of great heat...and tends to stay far away from them...her magic in combat is pretty specific in terms of ice-magic.

She is also capable of breathing out a light mist out of her mouth. The main use of this is to transform someone into an ice statue, and depending on her mood; they might be able to move. Though in regards to this method, she does this mainly as a differing vore to absorb those she turns into ice statues and add their strength to her own.

She's also capable of reforming her prey, though those who did find themselves touched in ways. They can find themselves less susceptible to the cold, have some ice magic capabilities, or find their appearance has changed slightly...most commonly, paler skin. Though these things can come all at once, only one also may come.

Though she is also capable of using her eyes, if someones of weak enough will, to paralyze them in spot.

As for vore, shes more or less capable of the usual standard. Though I don't do AV or scat. I do most of the other stuff.