
Guelah is a part of the Speckled Sky.

We have located the only living specimen of Guelah Papyrus, and it is a fascinating find.

The Guelah Papyrus is a plant characterized by its parasitic nature. Whenever the plant comes in contact with a foreign plant, it assimilates the plant into its overall root structure, thus making the plant a part of it. It is because of this mindless overtaking of foreign plantlife that specimens of Guelah Papyrus grow so massive, and why living specimens of these plants have been so difficult to find. When the plant assimilates another plant into it, it also gains the ability to mimic the appearance of said plant. A forest that may appear to be made up of varied plantlife may very well be a Guelah Papyrus in disguise.

Because of its mimicry, it has been impossible to determine what a 'true' specimen of the plant looks like. Thankfully, there are other ways to determine if a plant has been taken over by the Guelah Papyrus or not. For example, if the plant appears to be devouring or otherwise causing harm to nearby animal life, then there is a good chance that it is a specimen of the Guelah Papyrus. Forests that have been taken over by the plant have little to no animal life in them. If they have not been driven out by the plant itself, they are forced out due to the lack of food. Fruits, nuts and vegetables that the plant produce are more often than not a pale imitations; inedible unless the plant allows them to be.

The plant is most hostile to human life. We have already lost several members of the research team since we have started this study, and several more in the attempt to control the specimen's size. Along with it's ability to mimic, it also has the ability to shape and twist its body into any form at will. It usually takes the form of carnivorous plants in order to feed. While it has taken the forms of plants such as venus flytraps and pitcher plants, it has taken many forms that our research team has failed to identify. Pictured below is just one of the many forms the plant took in order to devour members of our research team. The woman being devoured in the picture is Precious, who will be sorely missed. May her soul rest in peace.

Other ways to spot the Guelah Papyrus are its unmistakable sapience and the presence of the 'queen body', pictured right. This body, as far as we have been able to determine, is the only discerning physical feature of the specimen. While the plant has shown some ability to mimic the appearance of human beings it has devoured (The demonstration of which has cost us the life of our research leader Charlotte, may her soul rest in peace), this 'queen body' is the form it usually takes when it chooses to manifest itself. It is through this 'queen' body that the specimen is able to talk with us. In our first communication with the plant, it refused to answer our questions and instead talked about our team 'getting out of [its] kingdom' as well as the fact that it has 'lived here for aeons'. Not much has been gleaned from this, so we hope to establish further communication soon. We're sure it will be fine.

Of course, this is just me speaking, but I don't think we belong here. The best advice I can give anyone is to be very careful what you do in these forests. If you litter or pick a leaf off of a plant, and suddenly the plants all grow mouths and try to eat you, you should probably apologize for what you did.
--Signed, Hysa Edenheight.

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As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love