
Tina is a part of the Speckled Sky.

Dr. Christina Ferris would like you to believe that she is a real doctor. She always mentions her four years at medical school, but she never mentions graduating. The certificates that hang on the walls of her office look impressive, but her license is currently under investigation. She always touts her 'state of the art medical procedures', but she also touts being the foremost expert in 'alternative medicine'. She can be found on her cramped little office on the 31st floor of some commercial building.

Dr. Ferris had always wanted to be a doctor ever since she was a little girl, and she worked hard all her life to reach said goal. Toiling through medical school, she always made it a point to take care of anything that would get the way of becoming a full-fledged practitioner of medicine. It just so happens that one of the things getting in her way is her total incompetence when it comes to all things medicine.

She has her ways around this, at the very least. Conventional folk treatments and big words make it look like she at least knows what she's talking about. And a seemingly endless pharmacy she has hidden away somewhere, as well as a collection of potions, herbs, spices and even spell books that she has somehow collected over the years (which earned her her 'alternative medicine' title) provide an endless amount of treatments she can try until something sticks. Just don't complain or sue should the previous treatments fail. She knows what she's doing. She's a doctor!

Of course, as much of a quack as she is, she has intimate, deep ties with the rest of the medical community... If those ties actually existed outside of one person. Wanting to advance the field of medicine in any way she can, the doctor is always interested in looking over and experimenting and studying the special properties of her more exotic patients, with or without their consent. Usually without. In this vein, she is known to accept patients of any species or race to her little office. Sure, some other doctors may send a hungry beast or businessman out of their waiting room if they decided to make a snack on their other patients, but not Dr. Ferris! She invites them in with a smile! Micros and helpless creatures would probably be safer seeing someone more specially trained to their needs, but Dr. Ferris accepts them anyways.

OOC: Consider the sliders below as a more general idea of what I like rather than the end-all be-all of what I want in a scene. If I don't have something in the sliders, it usually means I'm neutral about the idea, so feel free to ask about it. Also feel free to ask about kinks, or if you just aren't sure about something. I'm pretty open to things, in spite of the sparse preference bars. I'm also not against random whispers, so feel free to message me. Yes, even those IC whispers. However, if you must start your IC whispers with massive posts, please consult with me first.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not into vanilla sex, generally.
Transformation Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love