
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 110
Hair color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Long, usually kept in a braid.
Eye Color: Orange-Gold
Skin Color: Olive
Class: Cleric
Sexual Orientation: N/A
Occupation: Former Priestess, now a supernatural hunter for hire
Nationality: Celtic
Zodiac Sign:

“Today's goodbye is the beginning of tomorrow, if in my mind, I shall be beside you.”


A mature woman, Cho is normally business first, and pleasure second. She prefers to get the job that she was there to do out of the way, with the least complications as possible (however in her line of work, complications often arise). When something does go wrong, luckily Cho is also intelligent. She would wait to read the enemy’s moves and weakness, formulate a plan, and put it into action. When things get really sticky, she has one technique that she can use, but it’s almost embarrassing for her to use, so she doesn’t use it unless she absolutely has to. Despite all of this, she keeps a calm head on her shoulders during almost any situation, and has much confidence doing so.

Cho’s line of a work often forces her to make harsh decisions. She tries her best to be as sympathetic to the needs of the client as much as possible. Sometimes she has to keep her true thoughts to herself, because it is a paying job that needs to be completed. Now, if something was unsettling about a job, where Cho had to kill a creature that was innocent, she would investigate further, not wanting to kill someone if they’re not responsible for bloodshed. She would see to it that the real evil entity was properly dealt with, even if that evil is human, or the one who paid her. She won’t be persuaded by money or other vices, if it means that she has to kill someone innocent.

When it comes to social interactions that has nothing to do with work, Cho is a very quiet person. She likes to keep to herself, especially since she became a werewolf. The last thing she needs is for people to find out her ailment, and try to hunt her. She doesn’t mind speaking to people, actually she’s pretty friendly. She’ll go out of her way to help others, even when it’s not job related. A kind woman, Cho can’t resist the cry for help from no man, woman, or child. Cho doesn’t think she has time for relationships. Friendship or romance isn’t at the top of her list, for a number of reasons. Her main reason is because of her line of work.

As mentioned before, Cho doesn’t wish anyone to find out about her ailment, so during the full moon, she refuses to be anywhere near anyone, but locking herself away until the next morning. She fears that she will kill someone during her transformation, and it would be best if she hid away during those times. At times she looses herself and becomes more primal beast than human. This could mean that her sexuality is heighten, as well as her sex drive, or even as simple as her hunger for flesh. It could be a toss up really, if she wants to eat you, or have sex with you. Either mood she’s in, she’ll show it with obvious gusto.


Cho was eight when she was adopted by the high priestess of Yue. She was found roaming around the forest. She was dirty, wore ripped clothing and had no memory of where she came from. All that was known about her was her name. The high priestess then adopted her, and Cho was allowed to live in the temple, as long as she followed their ways.

Around sixteen was when Cho was allowed to travel alone to exterminate evil entities. She would often move place to place, doing what work needed to be done. She would then report back to the high priestess, and got ready for her next mission. Cho decided this was what she wanted to do with her life, and her loyalty to the high priestess knows no bounds. She remained celibate, always helpful to those in need, and never strayed from her way.

All this changed when she got bitten by a werewolf. Cho just turned eighteen, and she was traveling to Transylvania to investigate a few murderers. The culprit was a blood thirsty werewolf. While fighting the monster, she was bitten on her left hand, causing the curse of the werewolf to course through her veins. The rest of the fight was a blur. Somehow she ended up being raped by the werewolf. She in turn UB the werewolf, determined to kill the beast. She absorbed him, made him a conscious part of her body.

After she became a beast controlled by the moonlight, she abandoned her priestess ways, and became a monster hunter. She regretted ever letting the monster get the best of her, and because of that, she had to leave her friends and family from the temple. She even went so far as to trick them into thinking she was dead. She would rather have that, than have to face them, and have them be incredibly disappointed in her, where she would be abandoned, and left to her own device anyway. It was best this way.

For information on my sliders, RP likes/dislikes, please refer to the Alts_Of_Yue page.


~Battle Info~

Powers: Healing magic, Lycanthropic abilities, and water/ice elemental magic

Equipment: Enchanted bow and arrow, pouches to store things,


- Speed
- Physical strength
- Heighten senses
- Transform into a werewolf during the full moon only
- Body is more durable than a normal humans


- During the full moon, she looses control of herself and may attack others
- Silver
- Her body isn’t immortal, so she can still be killed



High priestess of her temple: Use to be her mentor, but ever since she was bitten by a werewolf, she cut ties with her, along with everyone at the temple.


~Wanted RPs~


~RP Adventures~

- Demon Tides (Fourm RP)

- Krail was the werewolf that bit Cho. She managed to finish the mission to destroy this enemy, but at the cost of her humanity.
